
God’s Unlikely Messengers Answering His Call In Total Faith

God’s Call to the Unlikely: From Ancient Times to Modern Missions

God’s call often comes to those who seem least likely to fulfill it. This truth is beautifully illustrated in the scriptures and continues to resonate through the lives of missionaries today. In this post, we’ll explore passages from Amos and Mark’s Gospel, reflect on the stories of David and Mary, share inspiring missionary journeys, and discuss the origins and future of Fully Catholic Radio.

In the story of David and Goliath, we see an unlikely hero rise to the occasion. David was a young shepherd, not a warrior, yet he was chosen by God to defeat the mighty giant, Goliath. Armed with only a sling and a few stones, David’s victory was a testament to his faith in God’s power. This story reminds us that God often chooses the unexpected to accomplish great things, empowering those who trust in Him.

Mary, a humble girl from Nazareth, was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Despite her youth and humble background, her willingness to say “yes” to God’s plan changed the course of history. Mary’s faith and obedience exemplify how God can use anyone who is open to His call, regardless of their perceived qualifications.

Throughout the Bible, we see numerous instances of God calling unlikely individuals. Jesus called fishermen to be His disciples, transforming them into leaders who would spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. These examples show that God’s criteria for choosing His messengers are based on faith and willingness, not worldly qualifications.

St. Francis Xavier was one of the first Jesuit missionaries, traveling from Europe to Asia in the sixteenth century. He brought the Gospel to India, Japan, and other regions, overcoming immense cultural and language barriers. His dedication and unwavering faith serve as a powerful example of how God’s call can lead to transformative missions, even in the most challenging environments.

Mother Teresa, originally from Albania, felt a call to serve the poorest of the poor in India. She founded the Missionaries of Charity, dedicating her life to caring for those in need. Her work brought hope and dignity to countless individuals, demonstrating how one person’s faith and commitment can make a profound impact on the world.

Fully Catholic Radio’s Origin

Fully Catholic Radio began with a presentation about the Church and the internet. During the presentation, someone challenged me, saying, “I hope you’re going to do something about this.” Inspired by that challenge and after much prayer and discernment, I felt called to create a platform that would spread the Gospel and teach the fullness of the Church’s teachings.

Starting Fully Catholic Radio wasn’t without its challenges. There were moments of doubt and uncertainty, but through prayer and reliance on God’s guidance, the station began to take shape. The journey has been a testament to trusting in God’s plan, even when the path isn’t clear.

Fully Catholic Radio has grown significantly since its inception. The content has expanded, including a variety of programs that educate and inspire listeners. Despite the challenges, the station’s quality and reach have continued to improve, thanks to God’s guidance and the dedication of everyone involved.

The impact of Fully Catholic Radio has been profound. Listeners from around the world have shared stories of how the station has touched their lives. One listener from a distant country wrote about how the station’s content helped her during a difficult time, even saving her from the brink of despair. These stories serve as a reminder of the station’s mission and the importance of continuing this work.

Looking ahead, the goal is to make Fully Catholic Radio known to as many people as possible, across different countries and communities. Efforts are underway to build an email list and reach out to parishes and archdioceses, inviting them to tune in and share the station with their parishioners. By God’s grace, the vision is to see Fully Catholic Radio become a global resource for spreading the Gospel and teaching the fullness of the Church’s teachings.


The stories of David, Mary, and the many missionaries who answered God’s call remind us that God can use anyone to accomplish His work. Fully Catholic Radio is a modern example of this truth, born from a call to spread the Gospel through the internet. As we continue this mission, we trust in God’s guidance and look forward to seeing how He will use this platform to touch more lives around the world.

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