
The Cross and the Christian Journey: Why Suffering is Necessary for Discipleship

The idea of taking up one’s cross daily and following Jesus lies at the very heart of Christian discipleship. Crosses represent the struggles, trials, and sacrifices that each of us faces in life. These are the moments when our faith is tested, when we are challenged to surrender our will to God, and when we are called to trust in His plan even when it doesn’t align with our desires or understanding. But why are crosses—why is suffering—necessary in the Christian journey?

1. Crosses Unite Us with Christ:

First and foremost, crosses unite us with Jesus in a profound way. When we take up our cross, we are imitating Christ, who bore the ultimate cross for our salvation. Jesus’ entire mission on earth culminated in His passion, death, and resurrection. His willingness to endure suffering out of love for humanity is the ultimate example of what it means to sacrifice for others. By embracing our crosses, we participate in that redemptive suffering. We unite our own struggles and pain with His, trusting that, just as His cross led to resurrection, our crosses will lead us to new life in Him.

2. Crosses Purify and Strengthen Us:

Suffering has a unique way of refining us. When we face hardships, we are stripped of our illusions of control, self-sufficiency, and pride. Crosses force us to confront our own limitations and weaknesses, and in doing so, we become more reliant on God’s grace. It’s in these moments of vulnerability that our faith is tested and strengthened. St. Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12:9, reminds us that God’s grace is sufficient for us, and that His power is made perfect in our weakness. When we are brought low by suffering, God can lift us up and transform us. Crosses teach us humility, patience, and perseverance, and they purify our hearts, leading us closer to holiness.

3. Crosses Are Opportunities for Growth in Love:

Suffering has the power to increase our capacity to love. Love, in its truest form, is sacrificial. When we bear our crosses willingly, especially when they involve sacrificing for others, we grow in selfless love. Jesus’ cross was the greatest act of love the world has ever known, and when we take up our own crosses, we learn to love as He loved. Our suffering can become an offering to God, an act of love for Him and for others. Crosses help us to grow in compassion, as we become more sensitive to the struggles of those around us, and more willing to extend mercy and kindness.

4. Crosses Lead to Transformation and Resurrection:

The Christian journey is always one of transformation. The cross is not an end in itself, but a gateway to new life. Just as Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross led to His glorious resurrection, so too our crosses, when embraced, lead to spiritual growth and transformation. In taking up our crosses, we experience dying to self, but through that dying comes new life in Christ. Our sufferings, united with His, have the power to sanctify us and draw us closer to the fullness of life that God desires for each of us. This is the mystery of the Christian faith: through death comes life, and through the cross comes victory.

5. Crosses Reveal Our Dependence on God:

One of the most important aspects of carrying our cross is that it teaches us dependence on God. In a world that values independence, self-reliance, and control, the cross reminds us that we cannot do it all on our own. It reminds us that we need God’s strength, grace, and guidance in every moment of our lives. Suffering reveals our need for Him. It brings us to our knees, where we learn to surrender our will to God’s and trust in His providence. Jesus Himself demonstrated this total dependence in His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Our crosses invite us into that same posture of surrender and trust.

6. Crosses Test and Refine Our Faith:

Just as gold is refined by fire, our faith is refined through trials. Crosses challenge us to hold onto our faith even when we don’t understand why we are suffering or how things will turn out. They teach us to trust in God’s goodness, even in the darkest moments. St. Peter writes in his first letter: “These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold” (1 Peter 1:7). It’s through these moments of testing that our faith becomes stronger, deeper, and more resilient.

7. Suffering Connects Us to the Suffering of Others:

When we carry our crosses, we become more aware of the suffering of those around us. Our own struggles can open our hearts to others who are in pain, and this awareness can lead us to acts of mercy, kindness, and compassion. In bearing our crosses, we grow in solidarity with others who suffer, and we are called to help carry one another’s burdens, as Paul encourages in Galatians 6:2: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Our own suffering can become a source of healing and comfort to others.

In summary, crosses and suffering are integral to the Christian journey because they unite us with Christ, purify and strengthen us, and lead us to greater love, humility, and transformation. Through the cross, we learn dependence on God, and our faith is tested and refined. Most importantly, our crosses are not meaningless burdens but are avenues of grace that, when embraced, bring us closer to the heart of God and to the promise of resurrection. Suffering, though difficult, is not without purpose in God’s plan. It becomes a vehicle for growth in holiness and love, and it shapes us into the image of Christ.

This is why the cross is not something to avoid but something to embrace. Through it, we find life, transformation, and ultimately, eternal joy in union with Christ.

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