Cardinal renews mission of top Guadalupe expert

Puebla, Mexico, Mar 4, 2025 / 06:00 am (CNA).
The primatial archbishop of Mexico, Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, has renewed the mission of Father Eduardo Chávez, considered the leading expert on the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and encouraged him to continue his work of making known the apparitions and message of Our Lady of Guadalupe “on a global level.”
In a letter Chávez received March 1, Aguiar noted the proximity of the 500th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe — which will be celebrated in 2031— and emphasized the importance of continuing to explore more deeply and spread the truth of the Guadalupan event, “its message full of love and mercy not only for our beloved country of Mexico but for the entire world.”
Chávez is currently canon and magisterial theologian of the chapter of the Guadalupe basilica as well as director of the Higher Institute of Guadalupan Studies. Previously, he was also the postulator of the cause for the canonization of St. Juan Diego, the visionary of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
“Following the guidance of His Holiness Pope Francis, as well as your mission as Guadalupan magisterial theologian, appointed by the venerable chapter of the Shrine of Holy Mary of Guadalupe, and which I had the pleasure of confirming; I renew your mission, Canon Dr. Eduardo Chávez Sánchez, to continue — as you have already been doing — with the mission of going ever deeper into the Guadalupan event, providing training for formators and making it known worldwide,” the archbishop of Mexico wrote.
“May God, the Virgin of Guadalupe, and St. Juan Diego continue to enlighten, strengthen, and guide you in all this admirable work of perfectly inculturated evangelization, and thus the longed-for civilization of God’s merciful love in our country and in the world may be achieved more and more,” he concluded.
The road ahead
In a March 1 statement to ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, Chávez emphasized that Aguiar’s letter is “very special” and made him “very happy, because it has renewed this commission for me to continue researching, studying, about the Virgin of Guadalupe as well as training formators regarding the Virgin of Guadalupe and launching this message of Guadalupan love to the entire world.”
“2031 is almost here, so it’s very important to put more emphasis, more effort into this prayer, this proclamation, this mission that, as I say, I am so honored to be able to renew under the mandate of the cardinal,” the priest shared.
Chávez also noted the importance of the Intercontinental Guadalupan Novena, promoted by Pope Francis, which began on Dec. 12, 2022, and is a way to prepare for the celebration of the third centenary of the Marian apparitions.
“That is why I am very pleased and it is a great honor to be able to meet this great challenge,” Chávez said. “We know that for God nothing is impossible and even less so for his mother and our mother, holy Mary of Guadalupe.”
“May she continue to bless us with this message of love that our peoples need so much today,” he said.
This story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.