
    August 11, 2024

    Take And Eat Sustenance For The Journey Else It Will Be Too Difficult

    The readings for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B, are a powerful reminder of the necessity of spiritual sustenance in…
    June 4, 2010

    Corpus Christi Celebrations In Trinidad and Tobago

    As a child growing up, what I remembered most about Corpus Christi was that more often than not, it was a very…
    July 29, 2024

    Gloria Purvis Shares Personal Eucharistic Journey and Call for Unity

    At the recently concluded 10th National Eucharistic Congress in the United States, Gloria Purvis delivered a heartfelt and inspiring speech, sharing her…
    August 8, 2021

    Jesus Said, I Am The Bread That Came Down From Heaven

    Eucharistic Bread from Heaven Gospel Jn 6:41-51 The Jews murmured about Jesus because he said,“I am the bread that came down from…
    August 1, 2021

    Do Not Work For Food That Perishes But For Food That Lasts For Eternal Life

    Work for food that will last Gospel Jn 6:24-35 When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there,they themselves…
    August 19, 2009

    Eucharistic Adoration

    What is Eucharistic Adoration? Eucharistic adoration is a prayer and form of worship that is offered to the Lord through His most Blessed…
    August 22, 2021

    Lord To Whom Shall We Go? You Have The Words Of Eternal Life

    You have the Words of Eternal Life Gospel Jn 6:60-69 Many of Jesus’ disciples who were listening said,“This saying is hard; who…
    July 25, 2021

    The Feeding Of The Multitude – Eucharistic Sign

    The feeding of the multitude – Eucharist Gospel Jn 6:1-15 Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee. A large crowd followed him,because they…
    July 29, 2024

    Monseigneur James Shea’s Call to Spiritual Nourishment and Mission

    Yet another powerful speaker at the recently concluded 10th National Eucharistic Congress, Monseigneur James Shea delivered a powerful and evocative talk at…
    August 19, 2009

    Holy Communion

    Spiritual and Actual Communion Holy Communion can be spiritual or actual. It is spiritual when we have not actually received the sacrament.…
    June 19, 2014

    Corpus Christi – The Body Of Christ – Trinidad

    [simpleazon-image align=”right” asin=”0809148501″ locale=”us” height=”375″ src=”” width=”250″]Today the Holy Roman Catholic Church reveals to the world the sacred Body of Christ –…
    July 22, 2024

    Jonathan Roumie Reflects on Playing Jesus and the Power of the Eucharist

    In an inspiring and heartfelt address, Jonathan Roumie, renowned for his portrayal of Jesus in the series “The Chosen,” shares his deep…
    March 8, 2020

    Has the Catholic Church’s Teachings on The Eucharist Changed?

    With the measures being implemented by Catholic churches to prevent the spread of the Covid19 virus, it seems that the Church is…
    May 11, 2016

    The Holy Eucharist – Do We Really Believe Jesus Is Present

    The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus is present; Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist.  Do we really believe this?…
    August 18, 2024

    The Profound Mystery of the Eucharist – Jesus is the Living Bread in John 6

    This passage from John 6 is one of the most profound and challenging teachings of Jesus, and it marks a pivotal moment…

    Archbishop Jason Gordon

      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      August 28, 2022

      Anyone Who Exalts Himself Will be Humbled, And The Man Who Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted

      Gospel Lk 14:1, 7-14 On a sabbath Jesus went to dineat the home of one of the leading Pharisees,and the…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      August 14, 2022

      I have Come To Set The World On Fire

      Gospel Lk 12:49-53 Jesus said to his disciples:“I have come to set the earth on fire,and how I wish it…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      August 7, 2022

      Even More Is Demanded Of The Person Entrusted With More – 19th Sunday Ordinary Time

      Gospel Lk 12:32-48 Jesus said to his disciples:“Do not be afraid any longer, little flock,for your Father is pleased to…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      July 3, 2022

      The Harvest Is Rich, The Labourers Are Few

      “Pray and ask the Lord of the harvest to send more labourers to the harvest” Gospel Lk 10:1-12, 17-20  At…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      April 3, 2022

      The Woman Caught In Adultery Shows Us That We All Have Sinned

      Gospel – Jn 8:1-11 Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.But early in the morning he arrived again in the…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      March 27, 2022

      A Father Had Two Sons, Whom He Loved, But They Both . . .

      The Story Of A Father And Two Sons – One Prodigal And The Other . . . Gospel Lk 15:1-3,…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      March 13, 2022

      Second Sunday Of Lent – The Lord In Whom We Put Our Faith

      Gospel Lk 9:28b-36 Jesus took Peter, John, and Jamesand went up the mountain to pray.While he was praying his face…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      March 6, 2022

      First Sunday Of Lent – Jesus Is Lord

      Gospel Lk 4:1-13 Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordanand was led by the Spirit into the…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      January 16, 2022

      Mary Takes Our Cares To Jesus And He Makes His Glory Known

      Gospel Jn 2:1-11 There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee,and the mother of Jesus was there.Jesus and his disciples…
      Archbishiop Charles Jason Gordon
      January 9, 2022

      The Baptism Of The Lord Reminds Us That Our Core Identity Lies In Our Baptism.

      Gospel Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 The people were filled with expectation,and all were asking in their heartswhether John might be the…
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