
Pray Until Transformation Happens: Lessons from the Transfiguration and the Power of Persistent Prayer

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The Gospel Reading: The Transfiguration of Jesus

“Now about eight days after these sayings, he took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.”
Luke 9:28-31 (ESV)

Praying Until Transformation Happens

Many times, when we reflect on the Transfiguration, we focus on Jesus’ radiant appearance—His dazzling white clothes and divine glory revealed to Peter, James, and John. But notice when this transformation happened: “As he was praying.”

Jesus’ transfiguration was not just a miraculous event—it was a revelation of what happens when we truly enter into communion with God. It was in the act of prayer that His appearance changed. This shows us that prayer is not just about talking to God; it is about entering into God’s presence so deeply that it transforms us.

This is a challenge to all of us: Do we pray until something happens? Do we persist in prayer, not just asking for things but remaining in God’s presence until we are changed?

Too often, we pray for a few minutes and move on. But Jesus, the Son of God, prayed until heaven broke through. If He, in His divine nature, needed prayer to sustain His mission, how much more do we?

During Lent, we focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. But Lent is not just about temporary spiritual exercises—it is a time to train ourselves in disciplines that should define our entire lives. We are called to be people of prayer not just for a season, but always.

So how do we pray until transformation happens? The Bible gives us powerful examples.

Biblical Examples of Transformative Prayer

  1. Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:29-35)
    • After spending 40 days and nights in God’s presence, Moses’ face radiated with divine light. He was literally transformed because he had been with God.
  2. Hannah’s Persistent Prayer (1 Samuel 1:9-18)
    • Hannah prayed in deep distress, and her prayer changed her countenance before she even received what she asked for. True prayer transforms our hearts first.
  3. Jesus in Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46)
    • Jesus prayed until He was strengthened. His circumstances didn’t change, but He was changed inwardly to face the cross.

These examples show that prayer is not just about changing situations—it is about changing us.

What This Means for Us: Praying Until We Are Transformed

  1. Prayer is an encounter with God that should change us.
    • If we spend time in prayer but leave unchanged, we need to go deeper.
  2. Lent teaches us disciplines that should last a lifetime.
    • The prayer life we cultivate now should become our daily habit, not just a seasonal practice.
  3. We must learn to persist in prayer, not just offer quick petitions.
    • The saints and holy men and women of history prayed until something happened—whether in their own hearts or in the world around them.

Real-Life Stories of Prayer Until Breakthrough

History gives us powerful testimonies of those who refused to give up in prayer until God moved. Here are four of the most compelling examples.

1. St. Monica – The Mother Who Prayed Until Her Son Became a Saint

St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, prayed for nearly 20 years for her wayward son, who was living a life of sin and rejecting God. She never stopped praying. Eventually, Augustine had a radical conversion, became a bishop, and is now one of the greatest saints in history. Her persistence in prayer changed not just her son, but the Church itself.

2. St. André Bessette – The Doorkeeper Who Prayed for Miracles

This humble man, a mere doorkeeper in a Canadian monastery, prayed persistently for healings. Because of his faith, thousands of people were miraculously cured, and he built St. Joseph’s Oratory, one of the greatest shrines to St. Joseph. His prayers showed that even the lowliest servant can call down heaven when they refuse to give up.

3. The Miracle of Austria (1955) – A Nation Freed Through Prayer

After WWII, Soviet forces occupied Austria, and it seemed they would never leave. But a Catholic priest started a massive rosary campaign, calling on the entire nation to pray. Over 500,000 Austrians joined in persistent prayer. In 1955, the Soviets suddenly left, without war, without a fight—something that had never happened before in Soviet history. Many believe it was the power of prayer that drove them out.

4. The EDSA Revolution (Philippines, 1986) – A Prayerful Protest That Changed a Nation

In 1986, millions of Filipinos took to the streets armed with rosaries and prayer to protest an oppressive government. Tanks and soldiers were sent to stop them, but they continued praying and singing hymns. Miraculously, the soldiers refused to fire, and the dictatorship fell without bloodshed.

The Call to Action: Will We Pray Until Something Happens?

These stories prove that prayer is not just wishful thinking—it is a force that changes hearts, nations, and history.

This Lent, and beyond, let us commit to:
Praying until our hearts are transformed
Praying for our families and lost loved ones
Praying for peace in our world
Praying persistently, without giving up

Jesus’ Transfiguration teaches us that prayer is where true change begins. Will we be people who pray until transformation happens?

What About You?

Have you ever experienced the power of persistent prayer in your life? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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