
The Power Of The Resurrection Is Celebrated In Easter

It is Easter time again, the holiest time in the Catholic Church’s year, when we remember God’s amazing love for us all. It is an amazingly powerful and faith building time within the church. It is a time in the church remembers Jesus’ victory over the darkness and sin and over death. It is a time when the church celebrates Jesus’ conquering of death. It is a time when the church remembers and celebrates Jesus’ completion of his mission when he said it is finished and breathe his last. Jesus’ mission you will recall what’s the save us from our sins. The word of God tells us for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever would believe in him would not perish but you shall have everlasting life.

Easter is a reminder of the infinite love that God has for every single one of us. Easter is a time when we remember that God loves us in a way that we can never ever truly imagine. Easter is a time when God says to each and everyone of us, this is how much I love you, and he stretched wide his arms on a cross taking our place. Easter is a time when with great gratitude we thank God for his amazing love and for taking our place. We were the ones who should have died. We were the ones who should have been discouraged. We were the one who should have been spat upon. We were the ones who should have been laughed at. We were the ones who should have been made to bear the burden of that cross to Calvary. We were the ones who should have been nailed to the cross. We were the ones who deserved death. But Jesus Christ, the only Son of God took our place. As holy scripture says,

He was spurned and avoided by men, a man of suffering, knowing pain, like one from whom you turn your face, spurned, and we held him in no esteem. Yet it was our pain that he bore, our sufferings he endured. We thought of him as stricken, struck down by God and afflicted, but he was pierced for our sins, crushed for our iniquity. He bore the punishment that makes us whole, by his wounds we were healed.” 

He bore it all for us at Calvary.

But the good news is it did not end there! There is more! Jesus was not just nailed to a cross for our sins and died, and that was it! Absolutely not!!. On the third day Jesus Christ arose triumphantly from the grave Hallelujah!  The power of death could not hold him down! On the third day, Jesus Christ rolled the huge and undoubtedly very heavy stone away and came victoriously out of the tomb, conquering all that the world could ever throw at him. The spotless perfect Lamb of God who was slain for us all, is alive and reigns at the right Hand of God forever! It is through the resurrection of Jesus Christ that a new lifeline was handed to humanity, all because of God’s infinite and boundless love for us all. It is through Calvary’s sacrifice that the God the Father has been appeased and the Way to Eternal Life has been made.

Easter is indeed an amazingly powerful time. It is a time that is meant to transform us from fear to faith, faith in Christ Jesus our risen and Victorious King.  Easter is a time when God through Jesus Christ His Son says to each and everyone of us, ‘this is how much I love you’, and he stretched wide his arms on a cross taking our place and taking our sins upon himself. Easter is a time when with great gratitude we thank God for His amazing and boundless love and for taking our place.

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