
Eat Of Me Or Falter On The Way

In the silence of the night, where shadows softly play,
A voice whispers through the stillness, “Eat of Me, or falter on the way.”
The road ahead is winding, with trials hard and long,
But with every step of faith, My strength will keep you strong.

In deserts dry and barren, where the heart might lose its fight,
I offer living water, to turn darkness into light.
Come to Me, weary traveler, let your hunger find its rest,
In the bread that I provide, your soul will be refreshed.

The world may promise treasures, that dazzle, bright but vain,
Yet they leave you hollow, yearning to escape the pain.
But My table is abundant, with grace enough to fill,
“Eat of Me,” I beckon, “and find peace within My will.”

When the storms of life are raging, and your spirit feels the strain,
Know My body was broken, to deliver you from pain.
With each taste of this sweet mystery, remember who you are—
A child of Heaven’s kingdom, guided by the Morning Star.

Do not stray from this banquet, do not let the feast grow cold,
For the journey will be weary if you wander from the fold.
In the breaking of the bread, in the wine poured out for you,
I am present in your struggles, in the trials you walk through.

So when doubt begins to whisper, and your steps begin to sway,
Remember what I told you: Eat of Me, or falter on the way.
For My flesh is true sustenance, My blood the purest wine,
A covenant eternal, that through Me, you’ll align.

The road may be uncertain, the path narrow, rough, and steep,
But with Me as your companion, the rewards are yours to reap.
So come, take and eat, and let your spirit be renewed,
For with My life within you, every fear will be subdued.

Eat of Me, or falter, the choice is yours to make,
But know that in this meal, you find strength for every ache.
I am the Bread of Heaven, the source of endless grace,
With every step you take in faith, you’ll see My shining face.

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