
Gloria Purvis Shares Personal Eucharistic Journey and Call for Unity

At the recently concluded 10th National Eucharistic Congress in the United States, Gloria Purvis delivered a heartfelt and inspiring speech, sharing her personal journey to the Catholic faith and emphasizing the importance of unity within the Church. Her address, rooted in deep personal experiences and theological reflections, highlighted key aspects of Catholic identity and the call to live out the faith authentically and inclusively.

Purvis began by invoking the protection of St. Michael the Archangel through prayer, setting a reverent tone for her talk. She then recounted a significant Eucharistic encounter she had as a child. Although she did not grow up in a Catholic family, her parents sent her to a Catholic school for a good education. She described an incident during her seventh grade, involving a food fight that led to an unexpected spiritual awakening. As she and her classmates sat quietly in front of the monstrance with the Eucharist exposed, she felt consumed by flames, a profound experience that affirmed for her the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. This encounter led her to seek baptism and join the Catholic Church, with the support of her non-Catholic family.

Purvis also shared another spiritual experience she had later in life during Mass, which rekindled her passion for the Church’s teachings. Reflecting on Genesis 1:26, she emphasized the inherent dignity and unity of all people, created in the image and likeness of God. This theological foundation, she argued, underscores the universal brotherhood and sisterhood among all human beings.

Highlighting visible signs of unity within the Church, Purvis spoke about the importance of the Pope and the communion of saints, which includes the church militant (the faithful on earth), the church suffering (souls in purgatory), and the church triumphant (saints in heaven). She emphasized that this bond transcends life and death, uniting all believers.

Addressing the issue of disunity, Purvis called for respect and support for the Pope, criticizing those who reject his authority. She shared her personal encounter with Pope Francis, noting his deep pastoral concern and desire for bishops and priests to embody the heart of a shepherd. Purvis stressed the need to pray and fast for the Pope, acknowledging the spiritual battles he faces.

Purvis also addressed the divisive nature of political allegiances within the Church. She urged Catholics to prioritize their faith over party politics and to rebuke any political stance that contradicts the teachings of Christ, regardless of the party it comes from. She reminded the audience that Jesus Christ remains on the throne, above all political powers.

Another significant point in Purvis’s talk was the condemnation of racism, which she identified as a direct rebellion against God’s word. She argued that racism undermines the unity of the human family, created in God’s image. Purvis called for reparative actions and a Christ-like response to this sin, emphasizing that all believers have a role in healing the wounds caused by racism.

Purvis concluded by encouraging a joyful and fearless approach to evangelization. She recounted a touching moment during adoration, where a stranger embraced her, exemplifying the unity and love that should characterize the Catholic community. She urged those who were critical of the Eucharistic Congress to join in the worship and not let disagreements drive them away from Christ.

Her speech ended with a call for renewal, repentance, and a deeper love for the Lord, inspiring the audience to live out their faith with integrity and passion. The audience responded warmly, moved by her powerful witness and call to unity.

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