
Choosing Whom to Follow: The Call of God vs. The Call of the World

Last Sunday, the 21st Sunday in ordinary time, we were presented with readings that challenge us to choose whom we will follow. Joshua challenged the people saying, “If you will not serve the Lord, then choose today whom you wish to serve, whether the gods that your ancestors served beyond the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are now living.” Then Joshua definitively said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

In the Gospel, a choice was also presented. When the followers of Jesus found that His teaching on the Eucharist was too difficult to understand, they walked away. Then Jesus said to the twelve, “What about you, do you also want to go away?” Then Peter responded, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe; we know that you are the Holy One of God.”

Beloved, in the journey of life, we face a profound decision: whom will we follow? Will we heed the call of the one true and eternal God, or will we be swayed by the enticing yet fleeting promises of the world? Both calls offer a path, but they lead to vastly different destinations. Let’s explore these two calls and understand what each offers.

The Call of God

God’s call is a call to something greater than ourselves. It invites us to:

  1. Live with Purpose: God calls us to a life of meaning and service, reflecting His love and grace. This call is rooted in a divine plan where each person has a role and purpose that contributes to a greater good.
  2. Pursue Holiness: God’s teachings guide us to live a life of holiness, which involves loving our neighbors, practicing forgiveness, and walking in virtue. It’s a call to align our actions and thoughts with His will, leading to true fulfillment and inner peace.
  3. Experience Eternal Joy: The promise of following God is not just about this life but about eternal life. God offers a path to everlasting joy and peace that transcends earthly suffering and challenges.
  4. Find Strength in Adversity: God’s call often involves enduring trials and challenges. However, these difficulties are seen as opportunities to grow in faith and character, with the assurance of His support and grace.

The Call of the World

In contrast, the world offers a different kind of allure:

  1. Seek Immediate Gratification: The world often promotes the pursuit of pleasure and material success as the ultimate goals. It encourages living for the moment, seeking happiness through wealth, status, and personal satisfaction.
  2. Embrace Relativism: The world’s teachings frequently emphasize individualism and the idea that truth is subjective. This approach can lead to confusion and instability as societal norms and values shift over time.
  3. Experience Temporary Fulfillment: While the world’s promises can seem appealing, they often lead to temporary satisfaction. The pursuit of material goods and status frequently results in emptiness and dissatisfaction.
  4. Face Uncertain Outcomes: The path offered by the world can be unpredictable and fraught with difficulties. It often lacks the sense of purpose and direction that comes from a higher calling, leaving many to navigate life’s challenges alone.

Comparing the Two

Purpose vs. Pleasure: God’s call provides a deep sense of purpose and direction, guiding us toward a life of meaning. In contrast, the world often focuses on immediate pleasure and material success, which can be fleeting and ultimately unfulfilling.

Holiness vs. Relativism: God’s teachings call us to a higher standard of holiness and virtue, while the world promotes relativism and personal choice, which can lead to moral confusion and instability.

Eternal Joy vs. Temporary Fulfillment: Following God offers the promise of eternal joy and peace, while the world’s promises often lead to temporary satisfaction and eventual emptiness.

Strength in Trials vs. Uncertain Outcomes: God’s call provides strength and support through life’s trials, whereas the world’s path can be uncertain and often leaves individuals facing challenges without a solid foundation.

The Decision

Choosing whom to follow is more than a philosophical question; it’s a decision that shapes our lives and eternal destinies. The call of God leads to a life of purpose, holiness, and eternal joy, offering strength through life’s trials. The call of the world, while appealing in its immediate gratification, often results in temporary fulfillment and uncertainty.

As we stand at the crossroads of life, it is crucial to reflect deeply on whom we choose to follow. The call of God offers a path of eternal purpose, joy, and fulfillment, rooted in a divine plan that transcends the fleeting pleasures of the world. It invites us to live a life of true meaning and strength, even amidst trials. I urge you to consider seriously the profound impact of following God’s ways. Embrace this call to a higher purpose, and let His guidance shape your journey toward a life filled with lasting joy and peace.

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