Catholic Catechism
What is the fifth Commandment? What is the fifth Commandment?
The fifth commandment says, “You shall not kill.” This commandment speaks to such issues as respect for life, abortion, euthanasia and suicide. The fifth commandment causes us to ask the following:-
- Have I had an abortion or encouraged anyone to have an abortion? Do I use or encourage the use of contraception or artificial birth control?
- Have I physically harmed anyone?
- Have I placed myself or others in danger because of reckless use of alcohol or other drugs? Have I caused difficulties for myself or others because of their use?
- Did I give scandal to anyone, thereby leading them into sin?
- Have I been violent or abusive either in action or in speech?
- Do I strive to forgive those who have hurt me, or do I hold on to resentment and desire for revenge?
- Do I use my powers of influence well, especially my voting rights, in order to fight war, oppression, abortion and injustice, or do I allow those evils to continue by my apathy and silence?
- Do I share with those in need? Do I support the life and mission of the Church by responsible stewardship – sharing our time, talent and treasure?
CCC : 2258 – 2330
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