
Christmas Is The Revelation Of The Love Of God

This Christmas has truly been one that I will not forget; one that has touched me very deeply.  more that anything else, Christmas is a time when God reveals His boundless love for us all. It is the time of year when Catholics and Christians celebrate the boundless and stubborn Love of our GOD – a Love so great that It gave all, and keeps on giving all.

[simpleazon-image align=”left” asin=”1616361638″ locale=”us” height=”363″ src=”” width=”300″]Those who know me and are close to me will know that I am always talking about the Love of God and how much He loves us.  With all that has been happening in our lives and in the world around us, it is very easy to forget this fact, this truth, the reality of what Christmas is.

I am a fan of Hillsong music and a couple years ago, i purchased two of their Christmas CD.  I will admit that they were not as great as I thought they would have been.  There is one that I left in the office and a couple weeks before Christmas, I was passively listening to it, not really paying much attention to it at all – just letting it play.  It played out about twice with me not paying it any mind really.  But about the third time it played, one of the songs really caught my attention.  I cannot remember which it was , but it really caught my attention.  I remember they got to a part in the song when they were singing halleluia! and Glory to God! It was then it hit me. Then my heart rejoiced and something in jumped and exclaimed, “No wonder the angels rejoiced and sang glory to God!  That is what Christmas is really about!

God created us for a very specific reason; to live with Him not just for a day or two but for eternity.  God’s longing was to have us His children around Him for always.  When sin broke the bond between us and God, when we rejected God, when we of our own free will chose not to listen to His Word, chose not to follow His Only Son Jesus Christ, He did not give up on us, but kept longing for us to come home.

Over the years, in an effort to appease God, man offered all kinds of sacrifices to God for forgiveness of their sins and to try to restore – as it were – good relations with God.  There are many accounts of this in the Old Testament.  But to really bridge the gap between us and eternal life, to really conquer sin and death it would talk the spotless Lamb of God that no human – no matter how well intended – could ever offer.  This Lamb would have to come from God Himself.

So the birth of Jesus on that first Christmas day was the precious and priceless gift of the Spotless Lamb of God sent to take away our sins, and to pay the ultimate price for our sins for all eternity, so that we all may have that chance to enter eternal life.

At last! At last! What Love yearned for will be given through Jesus Christ His Son.  What was broken and hopeless would be made whole and full, oh so full of hope!  That is why the angels rejoiced!  That is why they sang, “Glory to God in the highest!”  Angels are messengers from God.  This we see often in the Bible.  On that first Christmas night, this was certainly the case as the very Heart of God rejoiced at the birth of His Son because He knew that His Son would lead the way and be the way for all of His children to come home.  This is the true meaning of Christmas.  This what Christmas is!  It is the manifestation of the great and unconditional love of God for us all  This is what Christmas is and if we can understand this; not with our minds and intellects, but rather with our hearts, then it will be Christmas everyday as the Gift of Jesus Christ will keep giving and giving every day of our lives and each of us will become like streams of Living Water flowing from the Heart of God and touching those who we meet and they too will encounter the living and loving God.

I just a few minutes ago heard one of the most beautiful Christmas songs that spoke of that wonderful Gift that keeps on giving.  It has blessed my heart and I would like to share it with you as I close on this article. It was actually this song that prompted me to write this article.

So as we come to the close of this Christmas season – for those of us who have encountered and live in the Love of God, it just continues – I pray that you have not just a Merry Christmas.  Rather I pray that you will come to know the extreme Love of God for you, and that the knowledge and the experience of His Love will deliver you from every evil and prevailing darkness, and create in your heart a firm and unshakable desire to know and to follow Jesus Christ, the first and most precious Christmas gift.

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