Church DocumentsPapal Corner

Evangelii Gaudium Audio

Evangelii Gaudium Audio Files Now Available

On November 26, 2013, Pope Francis’ highly anticipated Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel, was released. The first Exhortation of the Holy Father’s pontificate, Evangelii Gaudium “establishes the style of the pronouncement of the Gospel in the modern world.

[simpleazon-image align=”right” asin=”1601374585″ locale=”us” height=”500″ src=”” width=”333″]The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus in a real and personal way. Thus begins the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, by which Pope Francis establishes the style of the pronouncement of the Gospel in the contemporary world, drawn from, to name a few sources, the contribution of the work of the Synod composed the Vatican, from 7 to 28 October 2012, on the theme The new evangelization for the transmission of the faith. I want to motivate the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while explaining new courses for the Church’s journey in years to come. It is a sincere appeal to all baptized Catholics to bring Christ to others in a deep and personable way – not merely by our words but more importantly by our actions.

Fully Catholic has taken this rather profound document and has made it available to you in computer generated audio form. The Evangelii Gaudium audio has been broken up into six mp3 files, all of which can be downloaded and replayed at your leisure. We encourage you to form study groups, download the Evangelii Gaudium audio files as well as the Evangelii Gaudium pdf file, and study them , together with you parish priest.  The beauty about the Evangelii Gaudium audio fles is that you can take them where ever you go and listen to them.

[ddownload id=”2839″ text=”Click Here” style=”link”] to download pdf version of  Evangelii Gaudium or view pdf version of Evangelii Gaudium online.

Download Evangelii Gaudium Audio:


Evangelii Gaudium – Part 1

[ddownload id=”2810″ text=”Download Part 1″ style=”button”]

Joy Of The Gospel – Part 1

Evangelii Gaudium – Part 2

[ddownload id=”2813″ text=”Download Part 2″ style=”button”]

Joy Of The Gospel – Part 2

Evangelii Gaudium – Part 3

[ddownload id=”2814″ text=”Download Part 3″ style=”button”]

Joy Of The Gospel – Part 3

Evangelii Gaudium – Part 4

[ddownload id=”2815″ text=”Download Part 4″ style=”button”]

Joy Of The Gospel – Part 4

Evangelii Gaudium – Part 5

[ddownload id=”2816″ text=”Download Part 5″ style=”button”]

Joy Of The Gospel – Part 5

Evangelii Gaudium – Part 6

[ddownload id=”2817″ text=”Download Part 6″ style=”button”]

Joy Of The Gospel – Part 6

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  1. Thanks a million. I have the booklet and have read it but re-reading while hearing it is superb. Thanks again. God bless TONY

    1. You are most welcome Deacon. I will be posting other Church Documents in a similar manner in the near future. So please tell others.

      God Bless You and Yours

  2. Hello! Are these files only for listening at this site or can they be downloaded? I’m hoping to obtain an audio version so I can let my grandfather listen to it, since he now has poor eyesight and can’t read the text. So far, this is the only audio version I found. I hope you could help, or maybe you’d know where else I could find?


    1. Hello Anna.

      Thanks for the inquiry. It has made us realize that the download links were not working as they should. They have since been fixed. You can now download the files for your grandfather. Please let me know if you have any other issues.

      God Bless You.

  3. Hello!

    I tried to download the files, but the first link (“Download Part 1”) sends you to the same file as the third link (“Download Part 3”), which is Chapter 2. Do you have the file for the introduction?

    Gratefully in Christ,
    Br. Clinton

    1. Now what do they say about more haste?! Thank you very much Br. Clinton for bringing this to my attention. It should be fine now. Please let me know if you have any further issues.

      May the Glory of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always


    1. Hey thanks a whole lot Marcus. I am in the process of making it directly available on this site as well – should be completed by tomorrow – by God’s Grace.

      God Bless You and Happy Easter (Still very much in the Easter Season)

  4. I’m trying to download The Joy of the Gospel MP3 files and it immediately goes to the sttreaming audio. I have a blind friend who is taking a class and the audie files would be perfect, if I can download them. Thank you for making this available int his format.

    1. Does it make a difference that I am trying to download using an iPad. Will it work if I use the iMac?

    2. Hi Steve,
      I must apologize as I am not very versed on Apple products. Please let me know if you are still having problems getting them. Maybe I can email them to you using Google cloud.

      God Bless You

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