AdventPapal Corner

First Sunday Of Advent – Pope Francis’ Sermon

This is the English translation of the sermon delivered by our Holy Father Pope Francis for the first Sunday of Advent.

Dear brothers and sisters, hello!

Today, the first Sunday of Advent, we begin a brand-new liturgical year, that is, a new experience of individuals of God with Jesus, our Shepherd, who guides us with history towards the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. Hence, this day has a special appeal. Through it we experience an extensive sense of the definition of history. We find the charm of all being on an experience: the Church, with her occupation and objective, and the entire of humankind, nations, civilizations, cultures, all on an experience along the courses of time.

[simpleazon-image align=”right” asin=”B00BWX099Q” locale=”us” height=”500″ src=”” width=”333″]However where is this journey goinged? Is there a common goal? And exactly what is this goal? The Lord answers us with the prophet Isaiah and says: “At the end of days the mountain of the Lord’s house will be developed as the highest mountain and raised above capitals. All countries will stream toward it; lots of people should come and say: ‘Come, let us climb up the Lord’s mountain, to your house of the God of Jacob, that he might instruct us in his methods, and we could walk in his paths'” (Isaiah 2:2 -3). This is exactly what Isaiah says about where we are going. It is a universal pilgrimage towards a common objective, which in the Old Testament is Jerusalem, where the Lord’s holy place stands, due to the fact that from there, from Jerusalem, comes the discovery of the face of God and his law. Revelation discovered its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, and he himself is the “Lord’s holy place,” the Word made flesh: he is both the leader and the objective of our trip, of the trip of the entire People of God; and in its light other peoples too can experience toward the Kingdom of justice, towards the Kingdom of peace. The prophet says further: “They should beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one country will not raise the sword against another, nor should they train for war once again” (2:4). Let me repeat exactly what the prophet states. Listen well: “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one country will not raise the sword against an additional, nor shall they train for battle once again.” But when will this happen? What a lovely day it will be when weapons are damaged to be transformed into tools for work! Exactly what a gorgeous day that will be! And this is possible! Let us bet on hope, on the hope of peace, and it will be possible!

This experience is never completed. Just as in the life of each one of us there is constantly a should start once more, to obtain back up, to find the definition of our presence, so for the terrific human household it is necessary always to reroute ourselves toward the common horizon that is the goal of our journey. It is the horizon of hope! This is the horizon of a great trip. The season of Advent that today we start once again, brings back the horizon of hope for us, a hope that does not disappoint since it is founded on the Word of God. It is a hope that does not dissatisfy just since the Lord never disappoints! He is faithful! He does not dissatisfy! Let us think of and fell this charm.

The model of this spiritual mindset, of this way of being and of this journey of life, is the Virgin Mary. A basic town girl, who holds all the hope of God in her heart! In her womb the hope of God took flesh, became man, became history: Jesus Christ. Her Magnificat is the song of the People of God on its trip, and of all men and women who hope in God, in the power of his mercy. Let us be directed by her, who is a mom, a mamma, and understands how you can guide us. Let us be directed by her during this time of waiting and active vigilance.

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