Chris Stefanick’s Call to Radical Faith and Joyful Evangelism

In an engaging and passionate address at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, Chris Stefanick, renowned author, speaker, and television host, inspired a large audience to embrace their faith with renewed vigor, joy, and commitment. His message centered on sharing the gospel with confidence, rejoicing in God’s love, and striving for sainthood, resonating deeply with attendees.
Stefanick began by underscoring the profound nature of the gospel – the good news that life has purpose and that God is love. He illustrated this with a personal story about his son, Joseph, who got lost in the Rocky Mountains at the age of four. In his desperate search, Stefanick experienced a glimpse of the Father’s love, emphasizing that God always seeks us out, even in our sin. This divine love is most powerfully encountered in the Eucharist, where believers are reminded of their worth and purpose through Christ’s sacrifice.
Highlighting the need for a response to this profound love, Stefanick urged the audience not to let the conference be merely a nice getaway but a transformative experience. He called for a radical response to the gift of the gospel, urging attendees to share the message of Jesus Christ confidently. He noted that despite the complexities of modern life, the fundamental human need for a savior remains unchanged. The gospel’s potency is undiminished, and every human heart is made for the love that is Jesus Christ.
Stefanick shared a poignant story about his wife’s grandmother, who, on her deathbed, feared ending up in hell. Despite the awkwardness and tension, especially with his agnostic father-in-law present, Stefanick shared the story of the thief on the cross, emphasizing that salvation is not about what we do but what Jesus has done for us. His grandmother reconciled with God and received Him into the Catholic Church the next day, highlighting the importance of seizing every opportunity to share the gospel.
He then addressed the importance of joy, especially in difficult times. Quoting St. Paul, Stefanick reminded the audience to “rejoice in the Lord always,” explaining that praise and worship are crucial, especially when life is tough. He emphasized that joy is not dependent on circumstances but on the constant and lavish love of God. He shared examples of how praise transformed his own attitude in challenging situations and encouraged the audience to make joy a central part of their daily lives.
Finally, Stefanick called on the audience to aspire to sainthood, recognizing that in today’s world, the witness of a holy life is more compelling than ever. He shared an inspiring story about a former Nazi soldier whose life was transformed by the witness of a dying soldier making the sign of the cross. This, he said, illustrates the power of a life radically given to Jesus. He encouraged attendees to lean into community, prayer, worship, and service, suggesting that they “pretend to be a saint” and see the transformation that follows.
Stefanick concluded with a powerful exhortation to embrace the fullness of God’s grace and to expect great things. He urged the audience to pray boldly, asking God not just for survival but to be lights in the darkness and rivers of living water in a thirsty world. His final words were a rallying cry to go forth, share the gospel with confidence, rejoice always, and strive to become saints.
The audience responded with enthusiasm, inspired by Stefanick’s passionate call to live out their faith with radical joy and commitment. His message left a lasting impression, encouraging attendees to make a profound impact in their communities and the world.