
The Foundation of Hope: Trusting in the Lord

The Foundation of Hope: Trusting in the Lord

Advent marks the beginning of a sacred journey—a season brimming with anticipation, reflection, and above all, hope. As we light the first candle of the Advent wreath, we are reminded of the profound significance of hope in our Christian faith. But what exactly is this hope we speak of? What are we truly waiting for, and how should we prepare during this season?

What Does Hope Mean in Advent?

The word “hope” is often used casually in everyday life. We say, “I hope so” when expressing a wish for something to happen, though we may feel uncertain about the outcome. Yet, in the context of Advent, hope takes on a deeper, more transformative meaning.

Hope in Advent is not wishful thinking or a passive desire for better circumstances. It is a confident expectation rooted in God’s promises and His unchanging love. As Isaiah 40:31 reminds us:

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

This scripture beautifully captures the essence of Advent hope—waiting on the Lord with faith, trusting that He will provide the strength and grace we need to rise above life’s challenges.

What Are We Waiting For?

Advent calls us to actively wait and prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. But this preparation is threefold:

  1. Celebrating Christ’s First Coming: We remember and rejoice in the birth of Jesus, the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Savior into the world. This event, more than 2,000 years ago, changed the course of history and gave humanity a living hope.
  2. Anticipating Christ’s Second Coming: Advent also looks forward to the future, when Christ will return in glory to establish His eternal kingdom. In this way, Advent is a season of both remembrance and anticipation.
  3. Anticipating Christ’s Coming Into Our Lives: This is a reality that many persons shy away from – Advent also challenges us to be prepared for the coming of Christ into our lives. This can take on several forms:-
    • We can encounter Christ in others – some we may not expect.
    • We can encounter Christ in the Church’s Sacraments, in a very powerful way in the Holy Eucharist, when He actually gives himself to us.
    • At the end of our time here when He will come to us as the Just Judge, and we will be judged based on our responses to His love.

It is worth mentioninng here as I have in previous posts, that the waiting for the coming of Christ, being prepared for this coming, hoping in the Lord etc are all things that Christians must do throughout all our lives. These are not seasonal.

That being said, reflect for a moment: What are you waiting for? Are you seeking renewed strength in your faith? Are you longing for peace in a chaotic world? Or perhaps you’re hoping for God’s promises to become more real in your life?

How Should We Wait?

The hope of Advent is not idle. It invites us into active trust in God’s promises which can only happen by entering into relationship with Christ Jesus. Here are three ways we can cultivate this hope during Advent and beyond:

  1. Patience with Purpose: Waiting on the Lord requires patience, but this waiting is not passive. It is a time to grow in prayer, engage with Scripture, and prepare our hearts to welcome Christ. Consider setting aside time each day to meditate on the daily readings or pray the Rosary, attend Holy Mass more often that just on weekends.
  2. Steadfast Faith: Just as Isaiah describes the renewing strength of those who trust in God, Advent encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith, even when circumstances challenge us. Reflect on moments in your life when God’s timing proved perfect, even if it wasn’t what you initially expected. Please feel free to share those moments in the comments for this post.
  3. Hopeful Anticipation: This season invites us to stay vigilant, as Jesus reminds us in today’s Gospel: “Stand firm and remain vigilant, for your redemption is near.” (Luke 21:28) This isn’t a call to fear but an encouragement to live with hope, trusting that God is faithful to His promises.
    The Church has given us ways to stay vigilant through the Sacraments. In the Sacrament of Reconcilliation we are given the grace to avoid sin, and through the most Holy Eucharist, we are given super-grace from Jesus himself who gives himself to us. He who conquered sin and deathgives Himself to us and becomes one in us through the Holy Eucharist.

A Season to Strengthen Our Relationship with God

Advent is also a unique opportunity to deepen our relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Catechism of the Catholic Church beautifully describes hope as the virtue “by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit” (CCC 1817).

This theological understanding of hope reminds us that we cannot walk this journey alone. We need God’s grace to sustain us, especially in times of uncertainty or difficulty. Again, the Sacraments play an important role here. I hope you are seeing clearly why the Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Christian faith.

Reflective Questions for Advent

  • What does hope mean to you personally during this season of Advent?
  • How can you actively prepare your heart to receive Christ in a new way this year?
  • Are there areas of your life where you need to renew your trust in God’s promises?

Take a moment to journal your thoughts or discuss them with a loved one. Reflection is a powerful way to make Advent meaningful and transformative.

Practical Steps to Live in Hope

Here are a few ways to embrace hope and prepare your heart this Advent:

  1. Engage with Scripture: Spend time reading the daily Advent readings, focusing on passages that speak to hope and trust in God’s plan.
  2. Create Sacred Space: Light a candle at home each evening and reflect on the significance of Christ as the light of the world.
  3. Seek the Sacraments: Participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and receive the Eucharist to renew your spirit and draw closer to God.
  4. Acts of Kindness: Share hope with others by reaching out to someone in need, offering words of encouragement, or performing acts of service.

Call to Action: Deepen Your Relationship with Jesus

As we reflect on this foundation of hope, let us take an intentional step toward deepening our relationship with God. Through prayer, Scripture, and the sacraments, we can grow closer to Him, allowing His promises to renew our strength and fill us with unwavering hope.

Advent is a great time to say yes to Jesus in a new way for the rest of our lives, to invite Him into every aspect of our lives. If you’re longing for deeper peace, joy, or purpose, know that the answer lies in Christ. Let this season be a turning point—an opportunity to trust in the Lord and allow His hope to transform your heart.

Are you ready to let hope take flight in your life this Advent? Let us journey together in faith, trusting that God’s promises never fail.

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