The Liturgy – A Celebration of The Mystery Of Christ

The liturgy is the celebration of the mystery of Christ, more-so his paschal mystery. Through the exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ, the liturgy materializes in signs and brings about the redemption of mankind.
The public worship that is due to God, is offered by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is, by its head and by its members.
The liturgy as the sacred action par excellence, is the summit, the most important of all. It is towards the liturgy that all the activities of the Church are directed and it is likewise the well-spring from which all her power flows. It is through this that Christ Jesus continues the work of our redemption in, with and through his Church.
The sacramental economy is made up of the communication of the fruits of Christ’s redemption through the celebration of the sacraments of the Church, most especially that of the Eucharist, “until he comes again” (1 Corinthians 11:26).
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